Monday, October 10, 2011

What People Are Saying - Oasis

For those of you who didn't get to Oasis - here's a little of what people are saying:
"I have always been the one to put myself last, as many of us do, to take care of family and others. It has been recently that I have learned to be OK with saying yes to me. I had been looking forward to going to Oasis when my husband told me that he would be going fishing on Saturday, the same day I was going to get away for a few hours. I had planned for him to do all the busing around of the kids! My daughter had tutoring and my granddaughter had dance class all starting at the same time. He asked me who would be taking them to their activities and all I could say was "They will just have to miss it today!" Just this once, it felt great saying I can’t do it and going to spend time with friends with no guilt attached."

"I liked getting to know the other women at my table."

"Thank you to all who planned this Oasis, it was great and I look forward to attending the next one coming up!"

"I invited both a friend, and our new next door neighbor to Oasis. I made a point of telling them that we are not a heavy-handed church. We welcome all people to come and explore what and who we are, we don't care what their current beliefs or affiliations are, we just want to share ourselves with them. Attending any of our events does not obligate them in any way, we just hope they have a meaningful or at least an enjoyable time while they are with us."
"I liked the chance to connect! Having a 2-yr-old at home doesn't allow much time for adult time! I loved it!"

"I wasn't sure exactly what Oasis would be like, but definitely wanted to check out the first session. I really got a lot out of the presentation... there was a lot of information that is so easily applicable to my life!"

"It was so nice to have a peaceful getaway and have some fantastic, real discussions with other women."
"I especially liked that it was set up to appeal and be helpful to all women, not just Christians. My mom and my sister are not Christian, but I would feel totally comfortable bringing them along to Oasis, and know that they would feel comfortable coming along.... which is really important to me! I wish I had invited them to this one, and I look forward to bringing them in the future! Thanks for making it a welcoming place for all women!"

"Great speaker and relaxation time! The room was very inviting and relaxing; food was delicious."
"Loved the round table discussions and listening to everyone talk - interaction!"

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