Friday, September 30, 2011

Contest! Name That Cookbook!

Foodie fans, listen up!

Women's Ministry is about to embark on a cookbook project - we'll be collecting recipes from all of you, compiling them in a handy-dandy little book and selling them to raise money in support of our ministry and scholarships. Now you'll FINALLY get to see what Gini puts in her famous brisket marinade, and n step-by-step how to make Danielle's amazing salted caramels!

But our cookbook needs a snappy title - that's where you can help right now!

Submit your idea(s) for the title of our Women's Ministry recipe collection/cookbook. Each entry must be five (5) words or less. No names are too crazy for this crowd!

The author of the winning selection will receive a FREE home-cooked meal for four by personal chefs Melody and Gini! Yum!

All entires must be received by October 15.
Send them to

The winner will be announced at our Women's Ministry Fair on October 23!

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