Monday, October 1, 2012

Oasis - October 13

A place to retreat, to get away from the ordinary.
A place to connect with other women and rejuvenate.
A place to recharge.

Oasis—an event for women created and hosted by the Women’s Ministry at the Campbell Church of Christ. Once a month, on a Saturday morning, with a light breakfast, time to relax, hear great speakers and meet new friends. To reserve childcare, call 378-4900, x264.

October 13 - Dealing With Life's Transitions
With Guest Speaker Dee Wilson, Director of Women's Ministries, Calvary Los Gatos
"I encourage women to grow in authentic faith, connect with other women, and serve and reach our community for Christ."
Dealing With Life's Transitions
We’re always in transition. Each day has the potential to bring us surprises and possibilities. On October 13 we'll have fun exploring important foundational truths that will keep us grounded through each stage of life, each change it brings, each challenge we face.

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