Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Get to Know...Danielle Humphreys

You might have run into Danielle before. Perhaps up in the Zone, where she loves teaching and being around teenagers. Or maybe it was over a table of hand-made salted caramels she made for the Christmas Boutique. Maybe it was at a MOPS meeting! Danielle has been a vibrant part of the Campbell Church family since they began attending here three years ago.

Danielle has been married for over 7 years to Matthew, Campbell’s Youth and Family Minister. She enjoys being creative, backyard farming, music, eating good food with good friends, and is a Consultant for The Pampered Chef on the side. She and Matthew have two sons; Noah, 3 and Micah, 1.

Danielle, a California native, grew up in the East Bay but has lived all over the state. “I have a sister who is 9 years older than me; it was fun growing up with a cool older sister. She had her first baby, a son, one week after Micah was born, so we are having fun walking alongside one another and watching our kids grow up together.”

Education and family time have a high value in her family. Danielle has Bachelors Degree in Aquatic Biology from UCSB as well as a Masters Degree in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena. “I loved my seminary classes and I love thinking about and discussing theological issues and practical application for our life and the Church. As a child, my dad took us to Catholic church every Sunday. Being involved with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at UCSB really helped me to grow as a follower of Jesus.”

Danielle is a stay-at-home mom. “I love being able to play with my kids and have a major influence on them. It can also be fun to tackle crazy new projects, from learning to sew, or how to make homemade pickles.”

In her spare time (when she has any), Danielle likes to read or watch TV with Matthew at the end of the day. “I also like going out to eat (especially if it involves chocolate), but real spoiling would be getting a massage!”

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