Monday, December 19, 2011

Get to Know...The Women's Ministry Team

When Sylvia Judkins agreed to help with a retreat 8 years ago, she thought she would just be behind the scenes, but God had other plans! Sylvia has a heart for women who are spiritually single, and working moms who are running 100mph with little time to devote to themselves spiritually. She has been a team leader for the Connection Team, involved with Bible studies, and retreat planning as well as fundraiser extraordinaire. Sylvia is wife to Jim, and boy-mom to Daniel, 13 and Jack, 15. Sylvia worked part time in the Preschool office of Campbell Christian’s Infant and Toddler Program for 5 years while her boys attended school at CCS, and has now reentered the high-tech world.

Jodi Howe has been serving our Women’s Ministry for the last 8 years. She is wife to John, has two children and three grandchildren. Jodi is a Pulmonary Nurse and works at El Camino Hospital in Mountain View. Jodi has taught Bible class to our 3rd graders for about 10 years, but her real passion is to help women find an intimate/personal relationship with God.

You may have run into Karen Swanson at a MOPS meeting, or one of our retreats. She has a heart for serving and equipping young mothers. Married to Dan for 26 years, Karen has finished homeschooling her two children, Tim, 18 and Kristin, 20, who are both now students at Westmont College. Karen has been a member at Campbell for 15 years, since she and Dan moved to California from New Jersey, and she has been serving our Women’s Ministry for the last 5 years.

Nancy Stone is one of the newest additions to our team, joining us in 2011. She has served in ministry capacities all her life, from Campus Crusade for Christ to serving as a licensed chaplain at the Sonoma County Juvenile Hall. Nancy is married to Bob Stone, one of the elders of the Campbell Church and enjoys studying and teaching the Bible, gardening, bird-watching, walking, entertaining, grand-parenting and flying.

Adelle Gabrielson is back on the Steering Team after a three year break raising boys and working with our MOPS groups. She is mom to Mikey, 4 and Colin, 8 and married to Gabe. Adelle is a freelance writer as well as working full-time in the Campbell Church office. A member at Campbell for 23 years, Adelle is committed to making Women’s Ministry a place for all women—working women, single women and everyone in between.

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